"Kyukyu-no-hi” (Emergency Medical Services Day)

September 9, is "Kyukyu-no-hi” (Emergency Medical Services Day). Chiba Prefecture has designated the week including today as "Emergency Medical Services Week”. Let's deepen our awareness of emergency medical care and emergency services, and gain knowledge so that we can take action without panic when something "unexpected" happens to our children.

In this article, I will introduce febrile seizures, which are said to occur in about 8% of babies and children in Japan. We will introduce the symptoms of febrile seizures, how to deal with them, points to watch out for, and the criteria for calling an ambulance.

Let's learn about the causes and symptoms of febrile seizures.

"Just a few minutes ago, my kid was playing energetically and sleeping peacefully..."

The symptoms of febrile seizures appear suddenly, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to remain calm when they see their child suddenly convulse. They panic, wondering what is happening to their child, and try to bring the child back to consciousness by shouting and calling the child’s name and shaking the child. In fact, I did all of these behaviors when my child first developed the disease. However, these behaviors are not recommended.

Without any knowledge, the parents will panic and will not be able to take appropriate action. Being aware of “what might happen” and having the right knowledge will help you deal with the situation smoothly.

Why do febrile seizures occur?

Infants and young children between the ages of six months and six years are most likely to suffer from febrile seizures. The convulsions are said to occur when the fever rises due to a sudden rash, cold or flu. Since children's bodies are still in the developmental stage, they seem to be unable to control the activity in their brains.

In many cases, "genetics" is also involved. Children whose parents have had a history of the disease are at a higher risk of developing it.

What are the symptoms of febrile seizures?

The symptoms of febrile seizures are sudden onset of cramps when the person did not appear to be particularly ill. The following symptoms are often seen.

・Body stiffening

・Eyes rolling back or unfocused


・Lips turn purple

・Foaming at the mouth

・Fever of 38 degrees or higher

If you see any of these symptoms, consider that it may be febrile seizures, and take the necessary treatment first.

What should I do first if my child has a febrile seizure?

If you think your child has febrile seizures, there are a few things you should check.

Let's take a look at them one by one.

How to deal with it

  1. First of all, parents need to remain calm. If you are in a panic, you will not be able to take appropriate action.
  2. Do not shake the child or talk to the child repeatedly, but let the child lie on his/her side. This is to prevent blockage of the airway in case of vomiting.
  3. Measure the time from the beginning of the convulsions.
  4. If the convulsions continue for more than 5 minutes, call an ambulance. Also, call an ambulance if the convulsions go away and then return, or if the child does not regain consciousness or does not look well even after the convulsions go away.
  5. If the convulsions go away within 5 minutes and the child becomes conscious (responds to calls), see your family doctor as soon as possible.

What not to do

・Putting things in the child's mouth to keep from biting his/her tongue

・Trying to get the child to drink water

・Give artificial respiration to the child because he/she is unconscious.

Doing any of these things can lead to choking. Do not do this.

Points to check

・Were the convulsions symmetrical or did they occur only on one side of the body?

・How long did the convulsions last?

These are questions that will be asked at the hospital or in the ambulance. The appearance of the convulsions can also alert you to the possibility of other illnesses that are not febrile seizures.

You will also be asked if the parents have a history of convulsions. 

Febrile seizures are unlikely to be life-threatening. It is important to follow the doctor's instructions first.

It is shocking enough for parents to feel "life is in danger" when they see their child having convulsions.  However, febrile seizures are seen in a relatively large number of children, and many children have had them once and never had them again. However, there are some children whose fever recurs over and over again. What should be done in such a case?

Always have suppositories on hand to prevent convulsions.

Children with recurrent convulsions tend to have a fever that rises quickly once it starts. Many people may feel anxious about this, but it is possible to prevent it by always having a suppository on hand to prevent convulsions.

When you see your doctor after a convulsion, he or she will give you instructions on how to handle it in the future. Follow the instructions carefully and keep the situation under control.

Is it life-threatening? Will there be any aftereffects?

In the case of "normal febrile seizures" caused by fever, it is said that there is no danger of death or permanent disability such as loss of intelligence. However, if the convulsions are left untreated, it is possible that another disease may be the cause. Do not judge by yourself, but always seek the advice of your family doctor.

If you know correctly, you can be a little calmer. After the onset of the disease, share the information with the family, nursery school and kindergarten.

I was told that it would go away by the age of six, but it continued until my child was ten. No matter how many times I experienced it, I could never get used to the fear of convulsions and the anxiety of not being able to recover, but I was encouraged and reassured by my family doctor.

Click here for a list of pediatricians in Inzai City. It is a good idea to find a pediatrician in your neighborhood in case of emergencies.

You never know when your child will have a febrile seizure. It is also a good idea to share information with family members, including grandparents. After the onset of febrile seizures, it is also important to report it to the nursery school or kindergarten, as it may recur.


Translated by Fusamaru

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