Let's create handmade message cards with mom/dad and kid!

September 20th is Respect-for-the-Aged Day (third Monday in September)

It is said that " it's a day to honor the elderly who have served the society for decades and celebrate their longevity.

Every year, people get together, celebrate their parents/grandparents at home and/or send them gifts, spending quality time on the Respect for the Aged Day.

However, because Chiba prefecture has currently declared a state of emergency for Covid-19, we have been notified to avoid the large gatherings.

Therefore, we would like to introduce "Let's create handmade message cards with mom/dad and kid!" to you who want to do something special and want grandparents to be happy. These cards must cheer them up!


「Well, because of such situation, we have to research on handmade message cards this time.」


「Good idea! My kids likes crafts so much, so they must enjoy it」


「Really? Why don't you bring them along for the research? Because the research theme is to create with mom/dad and kids, let's verify if they can!」


「Are you sure? My kids are more energetic and active than you imagine.」


「Alright, that's okay. I invite a lecturer who is full of energy and vitality than any other kids I know.」


「What? More than kids?」


「I've been thinking she must be the one for this research. Not only children, also adults will be big fun of her.」


「I can't wait to meet her!!」


「You can strengthen your abdominal muscles very much...」


「What? What do you mean by that?」


「well… never mind. You'll see.」

Today, the lecturer who teaches us how to create handmade message cards is…

「Minnano Ouchi Merrily」Representative

Mrs.Mariko Yoshida

※Hereafter referred to as "Mariko Teacher"

Mariko Teacher is not only a nursery school teacher, also a certified picture book therapist and toy consultant. She provides various activities for everyone from babies to the elderly to enjoy together.

You can find The reports and pictures of her activities on LINE and Facebook.

LINE register → @806tqfix "みんなのおうちメリリー"

Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005325693817


「Thank you for coming today, Mariko Teacher」

Mariko Teacher

「My pleasure! What should I do today?!」



Mariko Teacher

「I came up with so many ideas and couldn't pick one, so brought them all.」


「Really?? We can make a lot then!」

Mariko Teacher

「All different ideas here, but this morning, I had a flash of inspiration! Let's do this one!」

Popup Message Card!


「Isn't this difficult? Can kids make one easily?」

Mariko Teacher

「Yes, they can! But if difficult, mom/dad can help them and they can decorate.」


「Mariko teacher, my daughter is in 3rd grade, Kindergarten. Can she do that?」

Mariko Teacher

「No problem! Make it together!! Okay, let's get started...Huh? Where's my paper?」


「Here it is. You just put it down behind you.」

Mariko Teacher

「Oh, I see! Thank you! Hmm... where is my paper cutter?」


「Here you are. You are the one who told us there is a paper cutter in here.」

Mariko Teacher

「You're right! I found it! Ok let's begin!」

【How to create Popup Card】

① Fold the color drawing paper in half

② Fold it in half again and make it in quarto

③ Spread the paper all out

④ Draw the lines (about 3cm long) at the three equal parts as shown in the picture

⑤ Cut the lines drew by scissors

⑥ Fold the lines cut inside like a step

⑦ Put some glue on marked areas and fold the paper in half

⑧ Add anything you like on the step and around it to decorate the cards


※Please make sure your decorations added won't be sticking out when you fold the card in half

You may want to prepare colorful thin/thick masking tapes and stickers, so that little ones can easily decorate the cards with them!

「Excuse me! I don't know how to do next!」

「Please help us!」

Ai's children made cards while asking Mariko Teacher over and over….

Their cards were far beyond our imagination!

We were about to cry, seeing them making those cards for their grandparents!

This card is with many colors, shapes and stickers all over including their thoughts

The mark in the middle looks like a family crest ….


「Most Likely no meaning for the mark. I think she just wanted to cut the paper like that.」

Children don't have the idea of "this is how the card should be or they have to do it a certain way" so their artworks created with unrestricted ideas resonate in adults' hearts.


「Thank you so much, Mariko Teacher! It's wonderful that we can create such a gorgeous card!」

Mariko Teacher

「Yeah, I know! Children made great ones, but adults also did good!

Wow! Gold heart-shaped decoration in the middle! oh my bad… it's a silver one」


「I think so… it's silver one.」


「Your card is also cute with ocean waves around the heart!」

Mariko Teacher

「Of course! Huh? Oh no!… where is my heart?」


「Here it is… Your heart is right next you.」

Mariko Teacher

「There it is! There it is! My heart!」

Thank you for your cooperation, Mariko Teacher!


「My kids couldn't wait till the Respect for the Aged Day so they already gave the cards to their grandma right after the day they created.」


「Children can't wait or hide anything that they feel happy and joyful to anyone.」


「Mariko Teacher is very much fun to be with. Our researchers all love the way she is.」


「She is reliable and serious-minded but makes silly mistakes sometimes. She makes everyone around feel comfortable and happy with her.」


「 Boom of Mariko teacher won't be going down for a while among our researchers.」



translated by Umi


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